and Crescent Colours threads. This picture shows the colours a little
darker then they really are, but you get the general idea.
Booking Through Thursday:
1) Do you have multiple copies of any of your books?
2) If so, why? Absent-mindedness? You love them that much? First
Editions for the shelf, but paperbacks to read?
If not, why not? Not enough space? Not enough money? Too sensible
to do something so foolish?
I haven't answered one of these questions for awhile, but I saw this one
on Karen's blog and felt compelled to answer. And the answer is of
course Yes!!! Off the top of my head I can think of the following:
1) C.S. Lewis: Narnia series. Folio Society hardcover set and a paperback
2) J.R.R. Tolkien: Lord of the Rings Trilogy and the Hobbit in hard
cover and paperback.
3) Marie Killilea: Karen and With Love From Karen. Both in hard cover.
Also, one of Karen in paper back and two different copies of With Love
From Karen in paperback. I loaned out my paperback copies once,
thought that they were lost, and found replacements (which wasn't
easy). Then, of course, the originals were located and returned to me.
I really love these books.
These are the only ones that I can think of at the moment. I have bought
books in paperback, loved them when I've read them, and have then
bought them in hardcover. But I usually don't keep the paperbacks. Not
enough room in the house to keep both. I don't collect first editions either.
And once in awhile I have bought a book, only to discover that I already
have it at home. But usually it's when the book has been reissued with
new cover art. I hate when they do that. Oh, and I bought a hardcover book
by an author once, got home and found that the other book that I had by
him was the same book. But the cover art and the title were different on
Another close up picture of the fantasy section of my library. It's
clickable for a closeup of titles, authors etc.
Birds are hopping through our eaves troughing looking for bugs, and the
sound of them rustling and scratching around in there, plus the sight of
them flying to and fro is driving the cats mental. They hang around and
wait for something to happen.
sound of them rustling and scratching around in there, plus the sight of
them flying to and fro is driving the cats mental. They hang around and
wait for something to happen.
Oooh, I do like looking at your library. I'm jealous of all those lovely hardcovers. :)
Congrats on your finish its lovely!
Blueberries turned out lovely, congratulations on another beautiful finish.
I also have several titles where I have multiple copies. We seem to have similar taste in a lot of our books, with the Lord of the Rings series and Hobbit being one I have multiple sets of too. Loved the little dragons and gnomes on your bookshelf, what cute book guardians.
As to Sasha, while she is a water baby she didn't end up with webbed toes. I didn't know that newfies had webbed toes, those would be fun to see.
Hi Judy Thank you for such nice comments in my blog!! Your Blueberries are so pretty! Awesome job you have done!!! Your bookshelf is really nice!! I need to do a little reading sometime! I love it but just haven't had a chance for a long time. I love hearing from you! Debby :)
Blueberries looks great ! Congratulations :)
Your library just fascinates me. I'd never want to leave the house lol Unfortunately we don't have space for many bookshelves, so most of my books are packed away. Can you imagine ? sigh
Your kitties, as always, are beautiful.
Congrats on your finish. Blueberries is such a lovely and sweet design.
You have no idea how jealous I am of your library. I have to squash all my books onto one book case. Each shelf has two layers of books. I also have a space beneath my desk with piles of books. Oh to have a library!
I also hate it when publishers decide to reissue a series of books with new covers. I wouldn't mind if they waited say about 10 years after the last one was published and it was just to raise interest again. However, they tend to do it half way through a series so that you can never collect them all with the same covers. I am one of those ones that if I have a book in a certain format and cover I have to have the rest of the series in the same. A recent example is Tamora Pierce. A few years ago all her books here in the UK were released again with lovely new cover art. I hadn't come across her before I saw this. Since then I have managed to collect all that have been released in the UK. Now she doesn't have a publisher here which isn't really an issue as I can still order them. But the covers will be completely different.
Sorry for the rant.
Congrats on your Blueberry finish - it is so pretty! I love the photos of your library - what fun!
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