Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hello everyone and welcome.  Hope you're
comfortably seated and have a nice cup of
tea or any other beverage which appeals to
you close to hand because there's lots here 
in this post to share.   

There's equal parts book news and stitching
news to report plus some reno updates so
I'd best get right into it.

I collect Folio Society books which is a
company in England who publishes
illustrated, beautifully bound editions
of classic books.   Modern classics as
well as those from the past.  Fiction,
history, poetry, short stories, biographies
and so on.   The Folio Society covers
it all.

Over the years I've collected a fair number
of these books but they are costly and so
it's not something I do often.  Perhaps 
once a year or so, especially when they
are offering good deals.

Last Tuesday I was walking home from the
train station on what turned out to be the
hottest day of the year ... thus far.  
It was brutal walking in that heat let me 
tell you!!   I got three quarters of the way
home and didn't think I was going to
make it any further.   So I popped into
a little thrift store that's a few blocks 
from my house to poke around in their
book section and to recover a little in
their air conditioning.

I wandered around and checked out the
main book section but didn't find anything
too earth shattering there.  So I headed 
back to the front of the shop to check a
couple of shelves where they keep the
more valuable or in demand books.

I was giving those two shelves a 
cursory look through when one
book caught my eye.  Life On The
Mississippi by Mark Twain ... a
Folio Society book!!  Then I 
realized that the book next to it 
was also a Folio book ... and so was
the one next to that!!

In all look what I found ....

The six books to the left of The Greek
Myths were in the thrift store.  All of 
them in mint condition in their boxes.
 for $10.00 each.   I started frantically
snatching books off that shelf, six of
them in all!!!   The total of those six 
books is what one of them would 
normally cost!!!  I had to haul 
them the rest of the way home in
the heat but somehow that didn't
seem like much of a hardship.

Friday night, on my way home from
working out at Curves I stopped at
The White Rabbit second hand book
store just to do a quick (yeah, right!!)
browse through to see what might 
be there.  Got chatting with the 
owner and mentioned my incredible
Folio haul from a few days previously.
Guess what!!   He mentioned that 
they had received a few Folio 
Society books to sell as well and would
I care to see them??   

They had three books or book sets
and I had a hard time deciding which
one to buy.   The folks at The White
Rabbit had a better idea of what the
books were worth so they'd priced 
theirs accordingly.   But still, the
Greek Myths by Robert Graves 
that I chose was still a third of the
price I would have paid from the
Folio Society themselves.  Plus
no shipping charges to add to that.
(Same for the books from the thrift
store for that matter!!)

I am a very happy camper today!!!!

I have bought a few newly published books 
recently too including the sequel to A
Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
which I am desperate to get into as soon as
I finish my currant read.  I've heard good
things about The Chaperone so am curious
to read that soon and Seraphina is a young
adult fantasy that sounds really, really good.

And then last Saturday I hit a couple of garage sales
during my morning walk and came home with this
lot.    I'm halfway through the Bob Hope book.
It's hilarious!!!

I have no idea where I'm going to put all these 
new books.   Well, the Folios will go on the
shelves of the new built in bookcase in the 
living room with the rest of my Folio collection
 but the others???    The library shelves 
downstairs are full to bursting ... again.   It 
might be time to do some culling ... again.

Last Sunday the last touch was added to our
main floor renovation.  The two area rugs
arrived.   We set them in place and were
then able to celebrate the official conclusion
to our reno!!    Started mid February and 
finished the beginning of July.   Not too bad.
And the best part???

Phil and I are still married!!

Above is a picture of the dining room all
decked out.

And here is the living room.  I think we'll
designate the single chair to the right of 
the photo (next to the book shelves) as
my downstairs stitching chair.

Speaking of stitching ... a few updates
are in order here.   Finished the square
and added a bit more border to my
P.S. Summer Sampler.

Close up!!!

I've put a few stitches into a project that
was abandoned for a year which I 
suppose makes it a UFO?   Drawn 
Thread's Game Sampler which I'm
suppose to be stitching with Maggie.

This thing is going to be huge (if I ever get
around to actually finishing it).  Every time
I work on it I wonder what the heck I'm
going to do with it when it's done.  It
would cost a fortune to frame and it's a
bit too big for a pin keep ....

I don't think that I've ever shared anything
about this project.   Another rather big design
which I pick up once in awhile to put a few
more stitches in.

Here's the chart.

Here's what it's suppose to look like when
(ever) it's done.   I love My Big Toe designs
and this one is gorgeous!!!   

Must not dwell on the guilt of not getting
these stitched up in a timely fashion.  Must
remember to just sit back and enjoy the 
process ... which is all that matters.

Another long post.   If Blogger ever puts
a limit on the size of the posts you can 
make I'll be in big trouble.

Thanks for dropping by.   


Anonymous said...


Your reno looks great!

What a fantastic bargain you got with the Folio books!
Your stitching is looking lovely.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Those great finds couldn't have happened to a better gal! Congrats! They now have a great home!
Love your renovation...that takes lots of hard work, I know and it is just gorgeous!
Love your WIPS too~!

Mary Ann said...

Congratulations on the great deals on the books! Your renovations look lovely, and I bet now you see that all the hard work was worth it. And, of course, your stitching is looking beautiful--I especially like the PS Summer Sampler!!

barbara said...

How terribly exciting - I can't imagine how thrilled you must be!! :) And your stitching is also wonderful!

Brigitte said...

Oh Judy, this is really crazy! And exciting. To make such book finds just happens every once in a while, and it happened to you twice in a row. You're definitely a lucky girl. I'm also crazy about books and those bursting book shelves are our destiny, lol. I regularly go through my shelves sorting out what I don't want to read any longer and rearranging what will stay on the shelf. It's a bit like going through my stitching stash discovering charts that have been hidden there for way too long.
Your PS piece will soon be done. And it looks gorgeous. Wow, the Big Toe project will be huge but you are right, it's the way that counts. I also have finished projects that are much too big to be framed. So they will remain in my drawer but I don't mind because stitching them was a lot of fun. And that's what counts for me.

Judy S. said...

Nice find on those books! I've read The Red Queen and als Mary Sutter, both are good. Now you need the White Queen if you don't already have it! Love your stitching projects. You are keeping busy, that's for sure!

Gina E. said...

Judy! I'm so glad I've found you. I was looking through the list of people who follow my blog (I hardly ever look it) and there you were! I thought you had stopped blogging a few years ago, and I emailed you but never heard anything, so I figured you were 'over' it, and weren't online any more. Glad to see you are still reading and stitching, and I've put you back on my favorites list ;-)